Latest Past Events

Colloquium on Valerie Coleman’s “American Vein” at Gustavus Adolphus College

      Rolf Erdahl and Carrie Vecchione's duo OboeBass! performs Valerie Coleman’s American Vein: a musical roadtrip across America exploring some of the things that are great for all Americans. Discussions of Commissioning, grant writing, recording, and collaborating with composers. Wed., April 21, 7:30-8:30 PM Zoom link will be shared with students.  Public access […]

So What Does the World’s Only OboeBass! Duo Do, Anyway? Entrepreneurship Seminar at Central Michigan U

Central Michigan University School of Music Moore Hall 129, Mt. Pleasant

"What Does the World's Only OboeBass! Duo Do?" We'll provide some online answers to that question and discuss creative possibilities of building a musical career from scratch with students at Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, Michigan. We'll perform a lecture/recital sampling of our concert repertoire along with excerpts of our educational programs, with handouts with […]